Friday, September 13, 2013

The Alternative To Asking "Why Me?"

Bleary eyed and barely yet aware, I was coming out of an unexpected nap yesterday with sounds of the "Katie" show playing from the TV in the background.  Katie Couric was doing a show about Aimee Copeland, who after an accident over a year ago underwent multiple amputations.  I suddenly heard something that quickly yanked me back into consciousness.  Aimee's mother was discussing the inevitable question of "why did this happen to Aimee and not one of her friends", and she said Aimee's response to this question was, "I’m glad it happened to me. I know I can deal with this better than they could."

Why did this jolt me so quickly out of my sleep?  Because I have said that same thing before! As much as I wish I didn't have dysautonomia, I would rather be the one dealing with it because I know I can.  Hearing someone else have the same connection to their life-given challenge was oddly comforting.  While I can't begin to understand what Aimee has gone through, I felt a strong connection to her listening to her speak.  While our struggles have been different over the past year, it seems we are both fighting through with the same philosophies.
Image from

So, why me? Why you?

Because you can handle it. You have the strength and perseverance necessary; God made sure of that. I truly believe you can find or create good out of your struggles and challenges.

When it comes to finding purpose, keep in mind your intended purpose through these sufferings won't always equate to world-renowned acts or achievements. If they do, great! But no matter how small or grand the ripples of good you set in motion, they will always be extraordinary and for a beneficial purpose.  You may not always know the effect you make on the world around you, but be certain you are making an effect.

The challenge I leave you with: Next time you feel the "Why me?" question trying to burrow its way into your thoughts, see if you can find a way to turn it into "I'm glad it's me!"

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